
Conquer Long Copy Landing Pages with Sticky CTAs and Scrollers

Posted By ThriveTracker on Sep 8 2013

One of the greatest hurdles a lot of performance marketers face with long copy is determining where to position their Call-to-Action (CTA). Should you place it after your headline, by the testimonials, under your value proposition? Luckily, with some coding, we don’t have to worry about choosing one spot. We can create a CTA that…

3 Simple Yet Effective jQuery Techniques You’ll Use Time and Again

Posted By ThriveTracker on Mar 24 2013

In our previous post, we discussed how useful learning html, php, javascript, and jQuery could be to your digital marketing career. In this post, we wanted to provide some examples showing just how true that can be. Using jQuery’s library of code, we can create a shaking effect, pulsating effect, and typewriting effect that will…