Get More Volume: Landing Pages for Mobile Traffic With POF

Aug 20 By ThriveTracker

With POF’s mobile/desktop browser-targeting option, you don’t need a mobile network to get in on the mobile action. You can take your campaigns, duplicate them, adjust the targeting and suddenly get some easy mobile traffic with cheaper clicks and expand your overall volume on POF. Granted, you want to make sure that you have proper tracking set up so that you can keep track of all of your clicks. After that, the only thing you need to be concerned with is whether or not your desktop landing pages are compatible with mobile browsers.

…Some Nifty Tools

Odds are your landing page isn’t going to appear the same on a mobile device as it does on a desktop so if you’re sending both mobile and desktop traffic to the same lander, you want to make sure that your lander looks good from all angles. If you don’t have a mobile device or tablet to check what your landing page might look like, the people at Screenfly have developed an easy-to-use tool that allows you to use your computer to view your Landing Page from a variety of different tablets and mobile devices.

There’s also the User Agent Switcher for FireFox which allows you to view web pages from your desktop browser as though you were viewing them from a mobile device.

…Dynamic Pages With Different Styles

You can also set up your landing pages so that if someone is viewing your page from a screen size that’s smaller than a typical desktop, certain elements can be re-arranged or even eliminated. This can be done with a simple media query set up like so:

<style type=”text/css” media=”screen,projection”>
/* style rules for desktop screens go here */
@media only all and (max-width:[set this to whichever px size you desire] 350px) {
/*style rules for mobile devices and small tablets go here*/

So with the above style rules, screens wider than 350px would appear differently than screens narrower than 351px. All that’s left is creating a separate set of style rules under each screen size and you instantly get two different types of landing pages optimized for larger and smaller screen sizes.

…Create a Simple Mobile Landing Page

Finally, you can also create your own simple mobile pages with a neat mobile page builder at jQuery, which allows you to insert different buttons, images, and text to your mobile landing page. Here, you can make a mobile page that can be multifunctional and specific to your desires. Just drag and drop your elements and you’re finished. This can all be done from single page with almost no hassle. When you’re done, just download the html code right from the site, edit the html file with your preferred web-designing program, and you’re good to go. You can also check out the innumerable scripts built for mobile landing pages if you want a more complex page with more intricate themes and settings.

Just keep some things in mind if you’ve been excluding mobile traffic from your POF campaigns: This isn’t an alternative to running regular mobile traffic from a mobile traffic source, but it’s a great way to increase your overall volume. Don’t expect to suddenly get a huge boost in revenue after adding mobile to your campaigns (what works for some areas of traffic doesn’t work for all). Also, expect to see a higher-than-normal CTR for your creatives. If you’re working with a hurdle/cutting system with your creatives, you’ll want to adjust for this. Above all else, always test. Be on a constant lookout for new ways to reach your target

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  • is there significant levels of mobile traffic? what are bids like? what about internationally? I always assumed it wasn’t really worth it because of the low traffic

  • Do banners/ads appear also o POF iPhone app? how can I target the app? how would that appear on the app? (I can’t create a POF account for a VERY long time…so I can’t check it myself) .


  • The mobile traffic you’re going to get from POF is only going to be WAP mobile traffic. From what I’ve seen, banners don’t appear on the Droid app. I would only assume that the same applies for the iPhone app. Also, as far as mobile targeting goes, POF only lets you choose from iPhone or Droid mobile browsers

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