Create Your Own Image Variation Packs + the Trick to Mimicking POF’s 110×80 Ads

Mar 31 By ThriveTracker

In addition to the little POF trick I’m going to demonstrate in this video, I also show you how to apply multiple image variations to any ad, be it POF or Facebook. Through Photoshop Record Actions and Batch Processing, you can create your own library of border, or any other type of, variations that you want to apply to your images for testing by recording and saving those actions. If you’re too lazy to make your own variations, then check out CrazyCTR or FB Ads Tool Box.

For people who are relatively new to POF, I’ve started to recommend to do 110×80 ads first, making some profitable campaigns with those first, then diving into 310×110 ads. I do believe that 310×110 ads have more potential if done correctly, but that also means in the hands of the inexperienced, it could do more harm than good. 310×110 ads tend to burnout a lot faster if they are very distinct. The design of the banner almost overwhelm the impact of the image, which is what you usually consider to be the burnout factor. I’ve seen a lot of 310×110 ads that are just over the top, over-designed, and too flashy. Marketers are more constrained by 110×80 ads, and the style of those blend in well with the rest of POF. I would even recommend that one use a couple different designs in a campaign as well as test 110x80s with the banners.

After you’ve seen some success with 110×80 ads, you may want to ease into the use of 310×110 ads by adding a border, changing some colors, or adding some flair. To do that, you should first replicate your successful 110×80 ad into 310×110, starting adding small tweaks to it, then start testing. This way, you’re able to start seeing what kind of elements of 310×110 ads can make your ads better. In today’s tutorial, I show you how to replicate an exact version of any 110×80 ad you would want to create into 310×110. Further, I show you how to apply some border variations to these ads via batch processing.

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  • As always please keep it coming.

    These tutorials and videos are making my life 10x easier.

  • I really thought I already knew Photoshop, thanks for proving me wrong.

    Keep the great vids coming man!

  • Tom, I’m a total Photoshop newbie so please excuse my questions.  When you are copying and pasting the screenshot from POF what controls are you pressing?  I can’t seem to paste my screenshot to photoshop.  Thanks

  • Just hit the Print Screen button on your keyboard, usually at the top right corner of your keyboard.  Alternatively, you can also use a tools like Jing from TechSmith, and that lets you crop the area that you want before hand.

  • I’m using a MacBook. When you say print screen you mean Command P?  Then what command do I use to paste it in Photoshop?

  • Tom, When I try to batch it says “The command “feather” is not currently available.”  Is there something in my settings I need to change?  My photoshop doesn’t give me the option to record a new action as is either.  Thanks

  • An additional option is Affimage Processor, its an desktop software and support both Windowns and MAC.

  • Sorry, but you are a fraud…you know what I mean. Besides that, your software is just a simple image editor with high fees, you put 3 borders 5 effects and you charge 60 bucks for them. I can do that in Irfanview for free.

  • Great tutorial. I’m batching like all day long! Please keep doing more of these massively helpful hot tips tutorials. Always greatful

  • Hey I continue to get stuck after attempting to automate the batch, a “save as” prompt pops up attempting to save the file, even tho I have a save recorded.Maybe somewhere in the settings there is something different? Do I “save as a copy”? or “layers” and what about the “ICC Profile”…. I use Photoshop 6.0

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